2016: Senator Ed DeGrange, Sr.

Senator James “Ed” DeGrange, Sr. has represented the 32nd district in Anne Arundel County in the Maryland Senate since 1998. He has been instrumental in securing funding for many important UMCP projects such as the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center. Prior to serving as Senator, DeGrange was a successful small business owner and was as a member of the Anne Arundel County Council. His outstanding service to his community extends from Holy Trinity Catholic Church to the Glen Burnie Improvement Association and the Rotary Club of Glen Burnie. DeGrange is also past president of the Take Back Our Streets charitable foundation providing assistance to families in need in Northern Anne Arundel County. Since 2000, he has managed community development and business relations on behalf of the Baltimore Washington Medical Center. A native of Baltimore, DeGrange is a proud Terp parent.