From the Board Chair

In my 25-plus years as a volunteer at this preeminent research institution, I have seen up close its remarkable power to innovate, lead research and do good. I am honored to serve as the chair of the University of Maryland College Park Foundation Board of Trustees and so proud to be among the group of leaders helping to shape the future of my alma mater and to support its work in tackling the grand challenges facing our world.
This is an exciting time for the university. President Darryll J. Pines and Senior Vice President and Provost Jennifer King Rice have clearly articulated the university’s vision in Fearlessly Forward, our bold strategic plan focused on expanding our mission of service. We are seeing its implementation through the Grand Challenges Grants program, recent expansion of our efforts as the nation’s first Do Good Campus and launch of the Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM).
Our board has an important role to play in driving the state flagship university’s continued momentum and in promoting our shared vision. This dedicated body of Terps and honorary Terps provides fundamental support to the University of Maryland. As we work to achieve the foundation’s mission, our trustees:
Encourage and expand philanthropic support for university initiatives;
Oversee the investment and distribution of private gifts to the university;
Serve as advocates and ambassadors on behalf of the university within our communities; and
Leverage our knowledge, experience and networks to assist and advise university leadership.
As alums and friends of the university from a variety of personal and professional backgrounds, we aim to grow the foundation's impact on campus, in the local community, within the state of Maryland and beyond. In support of Fearlessly Forward, we look for new opportunities to advance the university in its commitment to drive excellence, impact and service to humanity, all while increasing college access through initiatives like the Maryland Promise Program and the Incentive Awards Program.
I invite you to support past, present and future Terps; honor our institution's traditions; and celebrate its far-reaching impact and bright future.
And thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to move Maryland Fearlessly Forward.
Al Carey ’74
Chair, Board of Trustees
University of Maryland College Park Foundation